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2014 Summit starts in:

Priority International Communications

The world’s next generation networks are increasingly exposed to the potential for massive congestion that impairs communications services, including those most important for public safety, economic stability and international security. Recent experiences have demonstrated the enormous demand for communications in the midst of catastrophes. Though international standards (i.e., ITU-T, IETF) have existed for over a decade, the lack of their implementation is a prime example of stalled ASPR (Agreements, Standards, Policies and Regulations). This breakthrough initiative is driving the implementation of a priority international communications capability that will overcome the obstacles of lack of awareness, economics and private-public cooperation.

The full report on Priority International Communications can be read here


"It is no longer a question of a nation protecting its own security; it’s a question of the global community protecting itself. India pledges to work with the global community.”

Kapil Sibal
Minister of Communications and IT, India